There is always difficulty in predicting costs in advance, as often one does not know how a case will develop until it is actually up and running. Each case will be different. Thus, the level of work and cost of dealing with each case will vary depending upon its needs and how much work will be required from us from start to finish. We assess each case’s need for budgeting and financial planning based on its own merit.
It can sometimes be impossible to predict what/which of the issues will be raised by your opposite number(s), or whether a change in their circumstances and the manner in which they choose to run their case may cause further work to become necessary, thus further cost would be incurred.
Mr Omid Khub, who has at least eleven years of post-qualification experience, together with our team of paralegals, (and if so appropriate, including one or more of our consultant Solicitors or Barristers of various expertise and years of experience) would be handling your matter, if you so choose to instruct us, and would be able to elaborate further upon any enquiry that you may have. Your matter will always be conducted under Mr Omid Khub’s supervision unless through unforeseen circumstances this would not be possible, in which case we will notify you should this arise.
Your case will be billed at an hourly rate based on the level of experience of the fee earner(s) who are managing your case. For example, work conducted by the most senior lawyer(s) will be charged at an hourly rate of £400 plus VAT, (£480) per hour and paralegal work will be charged at an hourly rate of £150 plus VAT (£180) per hour.
We will only carry out the work that is necessary. We will keep you informed of any work that needs to be undertaken and by which member of our staff. We will update you at all the stages throughout your matter.
Disbursements are costs relating to your matter and are payable to third parties by you. These are often: court fees, fees for expert reports and fees paid to a barrister (other than our consultant Barrister(s)) to represent you at a hearing. Whilst we can handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf, you will reimburse us for any disbursement which we pay on your behalf.
Please see the link to court fees
Barrister’s fees (depending on their seniority) are usually estimated (not quote) between £250 per hour – £2,000 per hour + VAT (£300- £2,400) the latter will be for King’s Counsel for example.
Time scale
Cases are governed by their complexity and the parties’ co-operation (or lack thereof) during the course of the litigation. We cannot predict how long it would take to resolve your matter without having the full knowledge of the case.
Again, please bear in mind that there is always difficulty in predicting the time scale in advance, as often one does not know how a case will develop until it is actually up and running. These perimeters (cost and time scale) will vary upon the discovery of any fact that gives rise to a complexity (irrespective of the value of your claim) that is not known to us at the time of the publication of these guidelines.
We always advise you to make a contingency in your general and financial planning for the possibility of any diversion in your case.